The Church of England in
Birmingham - Coventry - Gloucester
Hereford - Lichfield - Worcester
with Derby
The six Dioceses of the West Midlands, together with Partner Diocese Derby, are delighted to support Clergy in their development from their First Post of Primary Responsibility through to Retirement. By working together, we are able to offer an exciting range of courses to help to equip Clergy for ministry in the twenty-first century.
In the Common Worship Ordinal, those to be ordained Deacon and Priest are asked the following question:
Will you be diligent in prayer, in reading Holy Scripture, and in all studies that will deepen your faith and fit you to bear witness to the truth of the gospel?
The Dioceses which comprise the West Midlands Training Partnership recognise the importance of this undertaking, and of the place of ongoing study in forming Clergy for ministry. Deacons and Priests today are called to minister within a church and a society that are changing very rapidly, and the courses we offer through the Partnership are designed to help them develop so they may minister as “agents of God's purposes of love” (Deacons) and “messengers, watchmen and stewards of the Lord” (Priests) within this shifting landscape.
Click on the Programme of Events at the top of the page to find out what training West Midland CMD currently offers.